
21. July 2021

Autonomous driving with 5G

Interview with Timo Woopen and Laurent Klöker | Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen about automated and autonomous driving with 5G.

19. July 2021

5G makes robots faster and safer

Interview with Christian Maasem I Center Director I Center Connected Industry about the unique 5G test environment at the Smart Logistics Cluster on RWTH Aachen Campus.

Philipp Erdkönig | Comarch AG | RWTH Aachen Campus
5. December 2018

We asked Philipp Erdkönig | Comarch AG | Head of Strategic Product Management

Comarch is a global provider of IT solutions for mid-sized companies, large enterprises, small companies, banks and insurance carriers, as well as for the telecommunication and healthcare sector. The company is also an enrolled member of two centers in the Smart Logistics Cluster. Find out why and how Comarch is involved on RWTH Aachen Campus in our interview with Philipp Erdkönig, Head of Strategic Product Management at Comarch.

Dr. Violett Zeller | Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center | RWTH Aachen Campus
18. September 2018

We asked Dr. Violett Zeller | Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center | 
Managing Partner

As managing partner, Dr. Violett Zeller is responsible for the strategic direction and ongoing development of the Industrie 4.0 Maturity Center in the Smart Logistics Cluster. She has also been Head of Information Management department at FIR of RWTH Aachen since 2015. Her role furthermore includes a responsibility for the strategic development of the acatech Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index.

Mirzai | Techniker Krankenkasse | RWTH Aachen Campus
16. July 2018

We asked Masoud Mirzai | Techniker Krankenkasse | Head of Customer Service Campus Aachen

The health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse has been represented in the Smart Logistics Cluster by its branch TK Aachen-Melaten on Campus-Boulevard since the fall of 2014. Find out why TK opened a third branch office in Aachen on campus and what the experiences of the team are on RWTH Aachen Campus in this interview with Masoud Mirzai, Head of Customer Service Campus Aachen.

21. June 2018

We asked Toni Drescher | INC Invention Center | Center Director

Aachen is on its way to becoming the innovation hub for smart hardware. The founding of the Invention Center in 2014 made Toni Drescher one of the first pioneers to bring the industry to RWTH Aachen Campus. Find out more about the Invention Center and about technology and innovation management in our interview with Center Director Toni Drescher.

12. December 2017

We asked Markus Hannen | Vice President PTC

PTC’s software solutions support the manufacturing industry in developing, producing, operating and servicing of products. The company is an enrolled member of the European 4.0 Transformation Center within the Smart Logistics Cluster on RWTH Aachen Campus. Why and how does…
