16. August 2023
There will be two runs over the distances of five and ten kilometres. The starting signal for the 5 km run will be at 11:30 a.m., the 10 km run, which can also be completed as a 4×2.5 km relay, at 12:30 p.m.. Under the motto “I run for Iran – stop violence, enforce human rights”, this year’s CampusRUN will focus on the feminist revolutionary movement in Iran. The circuit on Campus Melaten is 2.5 km long. The start and finish area is near Steinbachstraße 25.
In addition to precise timing, participants can expect a varied supporting programme with music, refreshments and snacks as well as informative contributions about the work of Amnesty International e.V. and this year’s motto.
All proceeds from the two runs will be donated directly to Amnesty International e.V. as well as to the university group Amnesty Aachen.
Further information about the CampusRUN can be found here. Registration is now possible via this link or can be done on site on the day of the run.