Bio-Medical Engineering Cluster

Campus GmbH/Steindl (links)/

Ideas for Life

The Biomedical Engineering Cluster specializes in researching and developing holistic approaches and products for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Experts from science and industry work together and use advanced technologies such as 5G for telemedicine and artificial intelligence for analyzing data and recognizing patterns.
Innovations for the medical landscape are developed jointly in the unique ecosystem of RWTH Aachen Campus. In close proximity to the University Hospital and the Helmholtz Institute, the Biomedical Engineering Cluster forms a major research quarter on biotechnological and medical engineering topics. The close integration with the Production Engineering Cluster, the RWTH Aachen Machine Tool Laboratory, the Smart Logistics Cluster and the DWI Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials enables the close interaction of all necessary interdisciplinary fields in biotechnology and medical technology research.





Prof. Thomas Schmitz-Rode | Director of Bio-Medical Engineering Cluster
  • At the Center for Biohybrid Systems (CBMS), technical and biological components are brought together, produced and tested.
  • The Center for Bio-Medical Technology ZBMT offers office and laboratory space for start-ups, founders and scientific institutions.
  • The “gateway to the campus”, the CT² Center for Teaching and Training with its teaching concept for medical students that is unique in Europe, for example, has a training center with a demonstration operating room.

Another 8,600 m² for research, science and training

In August, the foundation stone was laid for the second construction phase of the Biomedical Engineering Cluster on Campus Melaten- for the Innovation Center for Digital Medicine and a new Academy of Education. From the end of 2025, 220 scientists will be researching the digitization of medicine. At the Educational Academy of RWTH Aachen University Hospital, which also includes a research center for nursing, 660 pupils and students will be trained by around 60 teachers to become nurses and midwives, among other things. In conjunction with the CT², the Academy of Education makes a significant contribution to the teaching, training and further development of highly qualified specialists, especially for medical care, at the Aachen site.


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Center in Initiation

  • Citizen Centered Care
  • Holistic Intensive Care
  • Intergrated Onkology
  • Nursing Care