4. June 2024

On June 3, the “Production Technology” themed tour took place on Campus Melaten. The two-hour tour offered participants exciting insights into current use cases, the research infrastructure and opportunities for cooperation.

In practical presentations, participants gained new perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of production technology. Using specific projects, experts in the Demonstrationsfabrik Aachen, the Anlauffabrik and the WBA Werkzeubau Akademie discussed topics such as data consistency, data connectivity, circular value creation, data visualization and additive manufacturing processes.

The tour of the Campus Melaten was followed by a get-together on the premises of RWTH Aachen Campus GmbH, which provided space for networking and further discussions.

The aim of the “Production Technology” themed tour was to introduce companies and associations to the extensive networking between research units and industry. At the same time, participants were given tips on how they can integrate the knowledge gained into their corporate strategy.
