20. August 2024
The Aachener Zentrum für integrativen Leichtbau (AZL) from the Production Engineering Cluster has launched a pioneering joint partner project that focuses on the reinforcement of electric motors with sleeves made of fibre composite materials. As part of the nine-month project, both current and future applications for electric motors will be analyzed and their requirements for reinforcement sleeves examined in detail. The aim is to provide technological insights and progress
Focus on efficiency and performance
The project “Rotor Sleeves for Electric Motors: Potentials for Composite Materials and Technologies“ addresses the increasing demand for more efficient, more powerful and more compact electric motors, particularly in the mobility sector and in industrial applications. Fiber-reinforced plastics are characterized by their high stiffness, low density and excellent electromagnetic properties, making them ideal materials for demanding applications.
From niche application to mass production
Although the production of reinforcement sleeves made of fiber composites is already mature, it has so far mainly been used in niche markets. However, the growing interest in electric drives is driving demand for these sleeves, leading to increased production and their establishment in mass applications such as electric vehicles, power tools, machine tools, electric aircraft and other industrial applications.
Cooperation along the entire value chain
Within the project, AZL Aachen GmbH will bring together experts from the entire value chain to analyze the challenges around current and future applications and evaluate the impact on design, material selection and production concepts. This includes a comprehensive screening of materials, production processes and design options, as well as the analysis of costs and environmental aspects.
Participation in the project
Companies interested in participating in the project “Rotor Sleeves for Electric Motors: Potentials for Composite Materials and Technologies” can join the consortium until the kick-off on September 12, 2024. Participants not only gain access to the project results, but also benefit from the joint technology development and can drive their own development strategies forward in a targeted manner. A unique opportunity to position yourself in a dynamic and growing market segment.
Philipp Fröhlig
Head of Industrial Services
E-Mail: philipp.froehlig@azl-aachen-gmbh.de
Telephone: +49 241 475 735 14